What I do not believe is that mankind is the cause of this change, nor that mankind will be the savior of the planet.
Get over yourselves, people.
The true aim of the climate change brouhaha is for the elites and the politicians to gain control over the populace. They believe that scaring citizens into ceding control of what they drive, how they heat and light their homes, what type of container they use - and more - will accustom them to government control. Control that can then be gradually expanded into all areas of our lives.
Frog in the boiling water, folks.
This opinion piece popped up on Townhall today. Yes, it is an opinion piece, but the author cites some facts that go a long way towards pointing out the absurdity of the "mankind is ruining the planet!!! mankind must save the planet!!!" scaremongering.
He talks about volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and meteor strikes, but one passage stuck out to me:
Geophysicists estimate that just three volcanic eruptions -- Indonesia (1883), Alaska (1912) and Iceland (1947) -- spewed more carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere than all of mankind's activities during our entire history.
Emphasis mine.
All of these eruptions had a profound impact on the climate - from which the climate recovered. The Krakatoa explosion in A.D. 535 blotted out a lot of the light and heat of the sun for eighteen months - and yet the earth recovered. It's subsequent eruption in 1883 disrupted weather worldwide as well. (Side note: Krakatoa continues to be one of the world's most active volcanic sites, and Anak Krakatou, (child of Krakatoa) has been spouting minor eruptions regularly since 1927).
So take all the climate scare tactics with a grain of salt - look for the real motive behind the headlines.
Emphasis mine.
All of these eruptions had a profound impact on the climate - from which the climate recovered. The Krakatoa explosion in A.D. 535 blotted out a lot of the light and heat of the sun for eighteen months - and yet the earth recovered. It's subsequent eruption in 1883 disrupted weather worldwide as well. (Side note: Krakatoa continues to be one of the world's most active volcanic sites, and Anak Krakatou, (child of Krakatoa) has been spouting minor eruptions regularly since 1927).
So take all the climate scare tactics with a grain of salt - look for the real motive behind the headlines.
1 comment:
I agree with you totally. Well said, sister.
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