Sunday, May 27, 2012

90 Days: Beginnings

Ninety days. Three months. A season. In the grand scheme of life, it's barely a sub-point.

Yet during the next ninety days, God is going to work wonders.

Today is the day over two hundred and fifty people begin a journey through the Bible. Cover to cover between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

It's not an endeavor for the faint of heart. Each daily reading averages twelve pages and will take anywhere from half an hour to an hour to read. The goal is simply that: to read, letting Scripture speak for itself.

The Facebook page for the group is already full of ideas for keeping on track, suggestions on how to make up missed days and reminders of the incredible benefits of the project. Already it's an excellent accountability tool.

It's been several years since I did my last annual read through of the Bible. Reading this much at a time, however, is a much different proposition. I've sent the daily reading schedule to the Kindle, and have begun bookmarking the start of each day's section on one of the electronic Bibles. Our check in day for the group is Monday; my goal is to have a post up on Monday sharing some of the high points of the week past.

More than anything, though, I want to be open to the Spirit's instruction and leading. While this isn't meant to be any sort of in-depth study, simply being in the Word consistently this way opens the door for the Spirit to use it in my life. The Word describes itself as

" and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12 (ESV)

May it accomplish those purposes in our hearts.

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