Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Witch doctors

For years the weathermen meteorologists tolerated jokes about their profession - where else could your performance rating be so low and you still have your job?

But years of studying weather patterns are yielding results. I've talked about one of our local weather teams before, and their use of a fairly new predictive tool for winter weather cycles. Last year, it enabled them to predict both the timing and snowfall totals of the Great Groundhogs' Day Blizzard of '11(TM) with great accuracy.

Alas, while they have done their analysis for this season, this year's cycle is rather...wimpy. There isn't anything like the "signature storm" events from last winter, and frankly, not much at all in weather excitement.

But hey - they are saying we may have a day or two near sixty degrees near the end of February. It has been warm and dry enough already that I've seen college students wearing shorts (well, ok, that's really not all that out of the ordinary, as a certain segment of the university population (the crazy young men) wear shorts year-round) and even flip flops.

Today I am leaving the office on time for a post office run. It's sunny and fifty-three degrees. The moonroof will be open, the radio up loud. If this were an October day, rather than January, I wouldn't even be wearing a coat.

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