Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Did I think that with my out loud voice?

According to this article, scientists are working on what they are calling "decoding", or translating brain waves to recreate what we have seen or heard - or may be thinking.

I'm not sure about you all, but I'd just as soon keep in the voices in my head in my head, not out for others to hear.

There are legitimate medical reasons to work on this technology, but as the article states, there are some ethical questions surrounding its use, should it be fully developed. No kidding - can you imagine the furor over whether or not a warrant is needed to tap the thoughts of a potential criminal? Or what your boss would think if he/she could hear what you really thought about their latest project?

This reinforces the idea of transparent living - who you are with people matching who you are when you are alone, or alone in your head. There's a reason Paul told us in Philippians to think on whatever is "true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, ... anything worthy of praise". How we think governs how we act.

Or so says the little voice in my head.

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