Thursday, December 08, 2011

A Christmas miracle

As miracles go, this is small potatoes, but in the circumstances, I still think it is miraculous.

Every single traffic light on the way to work this morning was green when I reached the intersection.

Considering that I have about an eight mile commute to work, primarily along a major thoroughfare that narrows from three lanes down to one, with the frequency of stoplights increasing as you go, that's pretty significant. A conservative guess would put twenty or so of those Christmas-colored lights between me and my workplace.

Other than one blow-through-on-the-yellow experience, no "slow down enough so the light turns green before you get there" games were played to accomplish this feat of efficient commuting, either.

Other than that, the morning has been less than satisfactory. I slept well, but had several things to do on the way out. Last night I loaded the trunk full of cut to size, taped together cardboard box remnants to put out for recycling this morning (the assigned garbage spot is some distance from the condo). While I trust my calendar, the fact that no one else had yet put out any recycling makes me wonder if I have the week wrong...I'll find out when I get home tonight if I need to reverse the process, only to repeat it next week.

Eating breakfast at my desk is an iffy proposition; the breakfast sandwich decided to go on the attack, leaving a noticeable spot on my blouse in spite of my fast blotting action. No one at all was in the office when I got here, whereas usually there are at least two or three others. I wasn't mentally prepared to walk into a dark office. The next person didn't show up until over half an hour later - for a bit there, I wondered if it were Saturday and I was mixed up, or if the university was closed and I didn't know it (not even the cleaning guy was here), or everyone was abducted by aliens and I was judged unfit for experimentation...

In light of all that, I'm going to stick to my story of a string of green traffic lights counting as a miracle.

It may be the best thing that happens to me all day.

Update: I just found out why no one was here early this morning: Mary Jo's father passed away suddenly this morning. Prayers are much appreciated for Mary Jo, her mom and her sister as they deal with his loss.

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