Friday, June 10, 2011

Company Girl Coffee 061011

Raining. I could carry either the open umbrella or the venti latte.

The coffee won.

Since I last checked in for coffee, things have been both busy and not. The week after Memorial Day was a stay-at-home vacation, though I still managed to use over a tankful of gas.

Would you believe I spent pretty much the entire day Memorial Day...reading? Oh yes, and it was glorious! Haven't done that in forever. Finished In the Company of Others, started one of Cleo Coyle's Village Blend mysteries, read a good portion of Randy Alcorn's Managing God's Money and finished up a few miscellaneous books.

My favorite quilt shop is running a big sale on Berninas later this month. I made the mistake of looking, then discussing pricing. There is a certain irony in this happening the day after I started Alcorn's book, but the book actually reinforces the fact that God does want us to enjoy what He has given us, provided our priorities are right and we are giving generously to His work. Agh. Pray for me; I have two weeks to make up my mind (big sale on the 25th).

On Sunday I travelled just over an hour west to meet a wonderful blogger and quilter - Sandi from Piecemeal Quilts. Delightful, knowledgeable and prolific, it's hard to believe Sandi's only been quilting for seven years or so. If you are a new quilter, or want to learn, check out the Skillbuilder series on her site.

Next Monday is a vacation day, as are all Mondays remaining June. The weather is going to be gorgeous (to me, anyway) with highs in the high fifties to mid-sixties. We had a thirty degree drop from Wednesday (93) to Thursday (I'm not sure it even reached sixty degrees!) in our Summer of Strange Weather. Perfect for messing with fabric...

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