Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Stash reduction

A quilter's stash is her lifeblood, source of inspiration and imagination. In it is squirreled away that one perfect fabric that will make an otherwise blah quilt "pop". Seemingly unusable pieces can be sliced into strips and packed away until enough are accumulated for a log cabin quilt.

Rainbow colors, florals, geometrics, fabrics with little glow-in-the-dark eyes, novelty prints, directional prints that dare the intrepid quilter to use them, solid or near-solid blending fabrics: these and more lie carefully folded in boxes and on shelves.

And in my house, today, in bags set to go to a Project Linus group in Genesee Depot.

Over the last seven or eight years, I've been reducing the amount of fabric in my stash by making scrap quilts as gifts as well as letting a young quilter friend pull material for a couple of her projects. The amount of fabric I have is by no means huge, but at my current rate of use...they would need to put a sewing machine and a small generator in my coffin so I can keep sewing.

Add to that the fact that whenever people hear you are a quilter, they are more than happy to "gift" you with miscellaneous odds and ends related to sewing any time they need to clean out a relative or friend's home for an estate sale.  I've several bags of poly batting that came to me that way.

One last stack waits to be sorted, I think. There may be one more tub under the bed...

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