And they were to stand every morning, thanking and praising the LORD, and likewise at evening...
1 Chronicles 23:30
Bookends. Beginning and ending, with the rest of the day telling its story in between. First thing in the morning, praises lifted up as the dew rises, all power and majesty ascribed to the Lord, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. In the evening, thanksgiving for His Presence through the day, His guidance and strength generously given to us to allow us to accomplish His purposes.
How different would our lives look if we practiced this principle? Bookend the day with intentional times of praise and thanksgiving? If we took a time specifically set aside, not shoehorned between this and that, to purposefully worship aside from our regular devotional practice?
I've no answers, but I'm willing to try. Why not join me in making June a month of bookends, morning and evening praise?
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