Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Is it Friday yet?

No? Well then. The light posting around here isn't intentional or indicative of any desire to stop blogging, but rather of too much work, too much to do and too much in my head clogging up all the space normally allotted to churning out posts.

So you are stuck with food and Friday posts, for at least a while longer. But after Memorial Day, watch out, as the floodgates may open!

Totally random...during both of my coffee/bagel place sessions last weekend, I went equipped only with the Kindle, no laptop.  The web app on the Kindle...works. Truly, the internet connection on that device is optimized for only one thing: downloading books.  While I could get online on the phone, it wasn't really a priority.  In the end, I spent a good chunk of hours last weekend off line.  And it felt good.

I have noticed (prior to having it confirmed in some research quoted in a book I'm currently reading - review will be posted soon) that I have developed a habit of skimming rather than really reading.  In some contexts, that's not only appropriate but helpful; the problem, however, is that my ability to focus for longer periods of time fell off as the skimming ability increased. The off line experiment is the start of a concerted effort to retrain myself.  I'm not yet ready to read War and Peace in a weekend, but I'm getting there.

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