Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stuffed - potatoes, that is

This all began because I cleaned out the bookshelf base of one of the living room lamps.  Tucked in with the books was a back issue of Cook's Illustrated magazine, a special edition on make ahead recipes.  A quick glance down the index confirmed why I had kept it; several dishes could be subdivided and frozen in serving sizes that wouldn't see me eating leftovers for days.

The twice baked potatoes, in particular, caught my eye. If you've ever picked up a Cook's, you know they painstakingly test every recipe to ensure the final product is a culinary delight.  There are several flavoring options on this dish, and the bleu cheese and caramelized onion variation called out my name.  Audibly.

So this afternoon I trekked off on a long overdue trip to the "other" grocery, which has been remodeled extensively within the last year. My list wasn't extremely long, but it took an hour of wandering the aisles, muttering under my breath at not finding things and grabbing a few impulse buys (Arborio rice, and what's risotto without fresh shredded parmesan (can't use the green can stuff on the nectar of the gods), a container of (sale priced) strawberries and a bottle of drainer opener.  What?) to gather everything I needed.

What I haven't finished is making the potatoes.  Eh. Moving a bit slowly here.  The potatoes began their hour-long bake about five, as soon as I returned from shopping.  Let them cool, have something else for dinner, then mosey back to the stove.  All the pieces are ready; only the assembly and freezing is left.

Once I've actually eaten one, I'll post the recipe and a review.  Meanwhile, I need to go mash the filling, add the onions, sour cream and cheese and crumble the bacon for the topping.  Um, and clean the kitchen...

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