Friday, April 29, 2011

Company Girls Coffee 4-29-11

Good golly, where did April go?  It's been a very strange month for weather - a tease of an almost seventy degree day near the beginning, but gloom and rain with colder than normal temps most of the rest of the time - so I'm more than happy to see it go.  Still, how do you "lose" thirty days?

How was your Easter weekend?  Low-key around here, but some good things happened. 

Our pastor announced recently that he is stepping down, which is a bit nerve-wracking when the church is a six year old church plant.  But God is abundantly good, as it looks as if we may have found a new pastor.  He's preached twice - including Easter Sunday - and will preach again next week; it's rare you have more than one opportunity to have a candidate preach.  Our elders will make the final decision by the middle of May.

Elder government is a bit different than the congregational government I'm accustomed to dealing with, but it truly is more biblical.  Still, for a type-A, information driven, "but-what-about?", "have-you-considered?" person like me, it is an exercise in faith.  Funny how God knows us each so well; He provided me not only with the opportunity to talk with the candidate and his wife at dinner after the Good Friday service, but had them "find" me in the hidey-hole I'm usually in at Starbucks early on Easter Sunday morning, with enough time to talk for a bit before we all had to be at church.

Do you need proof that God has a sense of humor?  That hidey-hole at Starbucks is a long table near the back of the store, tucked mostly behind a wall.  I sit all the way to one side, so you don't even know I'm there unless you happen to pass on your way to the restrooms.  While I've had a number of friends find me, a surprising number of complete strangers end up at the table, and it is extremely evident at those times that God expects me to witness...

...reminding me very forcefully that we are to always be "...prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you..." (1 Peter 3:15)

Crazy Canasta Chicks are playing tonight, a much needed, relaxing way to end the week. Not sure about the rest of the weekend.  I have several books I'd like to dive into, including one I need to read for a review.  The sewing room needs to be cleaned out before I can do any sewing, but at the same time, I'd like to continue the great pre-condo purchase purge and empty out the front closet, living room bookcases and dining room china cabinets.

Take a few minutes and visit some of the other Company Girls! The coffee is the heart-child of Rachel at Home Sanctuary.

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