Friday, September 24, 2010

Company Girls Coffee 092410

::yawn:: Uh, the coffee is over there, I think...tired this morning.

Busier week than normal, one that had me out several nights, which is a bit unusual.  Let's do a round up of some highlights:

Monday morning: Trip to Whole Foods (I will eventually get that post-with-pictures up; see note about busy week).  Some of the fun things?  Free, attached parking garage.  An escalator thing to take the carts from the store down one level to that garage so you can load the groceries into the car.  A massive produce section.  All kinds of gluten-free food (the friend I went with, along with several others, need to eat GF).  Cute housewares section (a couple of the Le Creuset mini-croquettes almost came home with me).  Gigantic food service area, including a sushi chef.

And chocolate covered bacon, which I can add to my life list (if I ever get around to making one).

Lunch at the Milwaukee Public Market, which prompted its own post.

Monday afternoon:  Long coffee-and-pie session with a friend I've not seen in a year.  She looks great, her kids are doing well and it was great to catch up.  It won't be so long until next time.

Tuesday after work:  Off to Panera for dinner - I was supposed to be meeting a friend there later for coffee, but in the end, she couldn't make it.  As a bonus, the store was giving out bags of six bagels - free.  They had over baked because of a promotion, and hadn't sold as much as anticipated.  They do donate anything not sold at the end of the night to local shelters; from what the clerk said, they had baked well beyond what the shelters could use.  So - score some goodwill from the customers!

Wednesday after work:  More coffee, more friends.  This time at Starbucks, and also a post of its own.  With all the coffee I've drunk this week, I'm surprised I'm not bouncing off of walls.

Thursday night:  Catch up at home.  Blanch and freeze the beans and broccoli purchased Monday.

Tonight?  Run home to take in the Amazon order, if I don't run home to do so at lunch (my last Amazon order was a printer; it was not packed in an Amazon box, but left in the regular retail box that screams all over the sides "Hi!  Steal me!".  Fortunately, I was home when they delivered it, and subsequently gave Amazon feedback on the packaging (a new feature on your orders - I wonder if they are trying to reduce costs by not repackaging things when they can?))

Then off to meet another friend, this time at a McDonald's with a playland for the kids.  I am astounded that her oldest turned six yesterday; I've known her since she was ten, and it is not possible that she has a child that old.

The rest of the weekend is quiet, I think.  A week from Saturday I'm having a card party/lunch, so I'll do much of the heavy-duty cleaning this weekend.

I always babble on when I'm tired (if I don't just fall asleep with my eyes open), so I'll leave you with this:  give a friend you haven't seen in a while a call.  It's good for both of you.

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