Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fifty years

My uncle Tom was in the printing business from the time he got out of the navy at twenty-two until he retired some forty-five years later.  Both of his sons are also in the printing business.  That's what makes this so very funny...

Tom and Pat's fiftieth wedding anniversary is coming up.  A gorgeous invitation arrived in the mail today, with full details on the celebration mass, brunch and open house. The one thing missing?

The date.

I called my aunt, and as soon as I identified myself, she immediately said, "November 11th."  She had just finished e-mailing everyone the missing information.  While she is being gracious and claiming responsibility for the mistake (she is an aunt-by-marriage; my blood relatives would lie, cheat and steal to disclaim an error), my uncle is the one who drafted the invitation initially.  True, it's not the kind of thing spell check or grammar check would catch...but still - !

Unfortunately, the event falls during the time I'll be in several different states, having Diane's Excellent Adventure(T).  I've offered to take them to lunch the weekend after I return...I may mail them a card reiterating that invitation, and just happen to leave off the date.

Smart-aleckyness also runs in the family.

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