Friday, January 29, 2010

Company Girl Coffee 012910

It is ridiculously cold here - you may want two cups of coffee, one to warm each hand. Honestly, the temperature when I got up this morning was 4 degrees, with a wind chill of minus nine (better than yesterday, at 2 degrees and minus fifteen!). A relative warm up is coming for the weekend, much needed after three or four days in the deep freeze.

The idea of "minimum maintenance" has been a lifesaver this week. After a series of ten minute pick ups, the flat is ready for a night of vacuuming, dusting and floor mopping. There are still a number of things to be sorted and repackaged for Goodwill, but all in all, the place looks pretty good.

Why is it that flat surfaces accumulate piles of "stuff"? My dining room table tends to be a sea of mail, scarves, and odds and ends that need to be put elsewhere. I'm blaming it on my mother: when she bought the table forty-plus years ago, she did what any mother of two preschoolers would do, and also bought the nice padded table protectors. As a result, I can toss my keys on the table with impunity, knowing the half-inch thick, felt-bottomed, rubberized pad will protect the tabletop.

To combat the stacks, I've simply taken the pads off the table. The table itself is gorgeous - simple oval French provincial in a medium wood (can't remember offhand what it is). With the pads off, not only am I less likely to stack "stuff" on the pristine table, the room looks much prettier as well. Love those simple, but elegant solutions!

Much to do this weekend, but all putzy little stuff. A trip to the fabric store is on the slate, as is a trip to Borders to use a 33% off coupon. Tomorrow morning will be spent at the salon having someone cover those persistent grey hairs, while I have a small project that really should be finished that afternoon. There's more, if I can find the list...

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