Saturday, April 07, 2012

Waiting for Godot Domino's

At least I know exactly where - and approximately when - the pizza man will appear. Unless he gets lost, as the last three have done. At least they do call and ask for directions.

Long day. After my hair appointment this morning, time sort of collapsed on me. I did get some reading done, laundry folded and taken upstairs and some boxes cut up. Groceries led to cleaning/rearranging both the refrigerator and the freezer. There were great specials on meat...whole chicken, quarter ham, pork tenderloin, massive brisket. Most of the meat is meant for entertaining.

A young friend and a friend of hers stopped in this afternoon to pick up my old dishes. As we were talking, we discovered that the friend-of-the-friend (who I've met before, actually) goes to and works for the church one of my college roommates has attended for years. The world (and the Milwaukee area Christian community) is kind of small that way.

I am utterly exhausted, and plan to go to bed shortly after dinner is done and the kitchen tidied. Long hours the last several weeks, with more to come. I can't focus on anything for very long right now (though part of that may be hunger; I really haven't eaten since around seven this morning, and I get pretty fuzzy if my blood sugar is out of whack). Need the sleep anyway.

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