Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Winery of the Year

Wollersheim Winery has won Winery of the Year in the International Winery Competition in San Diego. This is on top of a number of their wines winning high honors.

So take that, California.

I think it's time to stock up again. I'm on vacation in May - if I can wait that long, a drive out to the winery and back is a nice day trip, especially with a stop for a leisurely lunch somewhere along the river. Lunch before getting the wine, of course; you don't want it sitting in a hot trunk any longer than necessary. The back seat, in the air conditioning, is a better place to transport it.

Unless you plan on the cops pulling you over, that is.

Cedar Creek Winery, which also belongs to Wollersheim, is closer, and has the advantage of being nestled in the middle of a cute, antique-and-geegaws town. That may be yet another trip, though sooner.

Heck, maybe I should spend my entire vacation touring Wisconsin wineries!

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