Monday, February 20, 2012

A roundabout trip

Here we go 'round the roundabout,
the roundabout, the roundabout.
Here we go 'round the roundabout
so early in the morning.

- Adult refrain (traditionally chanted through clenched teeth) adapted from children's rhyme

For the last two years, I've avoided random trips out to the quilt store in Genesee. The main highway from the interstate through to the town has been under construction, completely closed for long periods of time. The detours, in addition to being long in both time and distance, were confusing enough to keep me away if there was any chance of still being on the road after dark.

Today, as a treat on a random vacation day, I decided to head out on the finally finished highway to visit the quilt shop to sign up for a class coming in the fall. While I could have done it over the phone, the sun was shining, the air was crisp and I needed out of the city.

The new section of highway began wide and smooth - two wide lanes each direction where once there had been one narrow one.

Cruising along at the posted limit of fifty-five, I was mightily surprised to see a nasty circle/arrow sign with a precipitous drop in speed limit. A roundabout lay ahead.

This roundabout was followed within less than a mile by another one. Several miles later, at the intersection with another major highway, a third circle of hell lay in wait.

Navigating them during the day is no problem. But all three are on stretches of county roads with no regular lighting, rather out in the middle of nowhere.

I'm just thankful the quilt class will be during the day.

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