Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Midweek randomosity and brain lint

Stuck in slow moving traffic the other night behind a car with a vanity plate "INOTONI". Which Toni do you know? Toni Tennille? Tony Soprano? Tony the Tiger? Or are you not named Oni? Or do you live in Otoni, wherever the heck that is?  Inquiring minds.

One of the first things I'm going to do when the sewing room is set up is make a decorative - thick, heavy padded - fireplace screen. The fireplace is not exactly airtight, even with the dampers and glass screen closed. The tile surround gets so cold you can almost see the frost forming. But hey, if I ever need to cool baked goods down quickly, I can just set them on the hearth. (I love my condo - this is really not a complaint, just a fact of life)

I'm doing my annual silly holiday book reading again. So far this year, a murder mystery set in an old folks' home and a magical novella. The second was better than the first, though the second falls into the "Christian fiction" category, a subject on which I have a lot to some other time.

I need to stick to a decision on what cookie to make for an exchange.I am not a baker; there are only about six types of cookies I make well enough to use in an exchange, and three of them are already on the list, being made by others. Of the three left, one is technically a bar and not eligible. I thought I found an easy one (again, technically a bar, but also a candy (toffee squares) so I thought I'd be ok) but someone else is doing an almond-toffee cookie. How about I just bring a couple of bottles of wine for the swap party? Recipe suggestions are welcome.

Only another two weeks or so until the days start inching longer. Driving in the dark both to and from work is for the birds.

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