Monday, November 07, 2011

A lasting legacy

Five years ago one of our staff people had the brilliant idea of having a silent auction along with our departmental holiday Christmas party, with the proceeds going to charity. My own role in the process was serving as the communications guru - announcements, badgering for contributions, urging on the bidders. In that role, I sent out a number of e-mails detailing the types of auction items we needed, the process for bidding and a few other organizational details.

The announcements for this year came out today. I suppose I should be flattered that every year since the first, whoever has been organizing the event has used my original memos and e-mails - pretty much word for word. I laugh every time I see it.

So...what type of basket/donation should I make this year?  No time to make a quilt (and the sewing room is still awash in boxes). Dinner for six? Basket of knitting supplies? Gardening kit?

I suppose I should just go look at the list I wrote in 2006 and pick something...

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