Saturday, October 29, 2011

Slow kind of day

Somehow, I managed to both go to bed early and sleep a bit later than usual, for a gain of about nine and a half hours sleep. Bliss. After dinking around checking e-mail and a few other things, I made my way downstairs, intending to run a few errands...

...and the phone rang as soon as my foot hit the bottom stair. It was close to an hour later when I finally left the house, but it was time well spent.

Target, how I love thee! There is a Target on the major street less than five minutes away. I needed some household stuff, but also needed heavy duty paper plates and bowls, pretty fall napkins, a nice journal to use as a guest book and a one pound bag of frozen cooked shrimp. Target had all of it, saving me two other stops. Hurrah!

More unpacking today. The kitchen is close to done, but I needed to stop to clean a bit for the lunch tomorrow. At long last I've put the rug down in the dining room (an eight by five rug I'd used years ago at the old place, but never got around to taking to Goodwill - good thing!). To my surprise, even with two leaves in, the table fits in the dining room with room for people to sit at either end. It was a bit worrisome, as the dining room is one step up from the living room. I'd hate to have a guest push back their chair after dinner and fall out of the room.

Time to start chopping veggies. I'm making jambalaya, which is easy to cook, but requires a whole lot of chopped up stuff. Green pepper, onion, celery, garlic, tomatoes, sausage, chicken. Then there's the shrimp tails to pull off.  If the prep is done beforehand, it takes only a few minutes to throw it together and throw it in the oven.

I'd better get to it, as I'm starting to lose steam.

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