Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blowing in the wind

We've had about twenty-four hours of high winds, with gusts somewhere up around fifty miles per hour. Any ability for rational thought on my part has blown away.

I forgot to take the chuck roast out of the freezer this morning.

Said roast is meant to be plopped in the crockpot tomorrow to slowly braise all day. After work, it will be shredded and an envelope of onion soup added. Another half hour of cooking yields a really tender, flavorful sandwich filling.

The four friends coming for dinner Friday night would really appreciate it.

Between using some jump-start techniques to begin the thawing process after work today and leaving the roast on the counter all night tonight the chunk of frozen cow should be thawed enough for me to trim it in the morning. There's no danger of it being undercooked; ten plus hours in a crockpot should be enough even if it starts partially frozen.


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