Friday, June 03, 2011

Early Friday morn

Relatively early, that is. most days I'm up almost an hour earlier than, there is still a chance I'll go back to bed. The morning is deliciously cool; the day isn't going to stay that way.

According to the newspaper, the city pundits are pondering another construction project, this one to "untangle the spaghetti of off-ramps at the lakefront". Translation: "If we mess around with the off ramps and reduce their number and footprint, we will have more land available for "development" - yay for more property taxes!" Yay for increased traffic congestion on the other streets and obscured views of the lake for current building occupants is more like it.

This morning I think I'm off to Panera, at least for breakfast. I have some computer-based things to do, and those would be better done at Starbucks, where the wireless is stronger (and the specialty coffee drinks are better). Home by lunchtime, with maybe a stop at the grocery on the way. Last night's dinner was a new recipe, a Vietnamese dish called Yak Nym (think marinated beef skewers) and making it put me in more of a cooking mood.

I did actually spend a few minutes sewing last night...just about ten short seams' worth. It's a small project, making a purse out of a patchwork of duponi silk squares I picked up at the art museum's gift shop years ago, but having to create the patchwork before even cutting out the purse is a pain. The silk is gorgeous, but it ravels a bit and shows every pin mark.

Eh. Better get to it. If I don't get moving soon, I will go back to bed.

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