Friday, December 17, 2010

Not quite what I wanted... least at the start of a long vacation.


My doctor, however, rocks.  He was able to rustle up samples of the stronger bronchodilator he wants me to use (good thing too, as it is a name brand whose price has been driven out of sight by all the television ads the manufacturer runs).  Samples, too, of a probiotic to offset the side effects of the antibiotic.

Overall, it makes staying in and lazing around for the weekend less guilt inducing.  Now I have a medical reason to lounge around in pajamas, sipping on homemade chicken soup and nibbling on that 90% cacao chocolate bar. I've not had time this week to open all the cards that have arrived; there is that to look forward to, along with a towering stack of books on the end table.  Two unopened movies from Netflix sit on top of the television, plus the Christmas movie I picked up in Belton that I've been saving for this week.

One thing this house does not lack is quilts to keep you warm.  I may break out the monster quilt:  the upholstery fabric quilt my grandmother made that weighs a ton, but is toasty warm.  In fact, I may need several quilts, since the leather furniture is always a bit chilly this time of year.

Hmm.  It's beginning to sound like a lovely weekend.  Well, except for the mucous-spewing cough, wheezing and headache.

But this, too, shall pass.

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