So why is that stupid bunny rabbit bothering me so much?
Last Sunday a rabbit sat on the walkway from the house to my car. Thanks to the tangle of wildflowers, weeds and house-obliterating vegetation ample flora my landlord cultivates, there are plenty of places for the local fauna to burrow, nest and otherwise make homes. Seeing a rabbit is an everyday occurrence.
But this bunny just sat there as I approached, not moving until I was less than three feet away. Even then, it didn't turn cottontail and streak off; it slowly hopped just far away enough for peace of mind. As it moved, I realized it was...limping. One fuzzy little forepaw never hit the ground. The rabbit listed a bit to that side as it jumped, not yet able to fully compensate for the lopsidedness.
The darn rabbit was back this morning, sitting in more or less the same spot on the sidewalk, calmly chewing on some clover. The injured forepaw still dangled, not touching the ground, but now the fur looked like Don King on a bad hair day. Mr. Rabbit must have been chewing on it during the last week. Still, it's eye was bright, and it scooted briskly away at my approach.
Just far enough away, that is, to turn and stare at me as I got in the car. We sat there, staring at one another, for a good three minutes, me feeling guiltier as each second ticked by. Why I felt guilty, I don't know. The rabbit is obviously doing fine. Any intervention on my part would either end up being expensive (not to mention allergy attack inducing) for me, or potentially deadly for the rabbit. I have no intention of doing anything (see first comment about lack of compassion).
Eventually the furry lettuce eater turned tail and skipped away, releasing me to go on my way, still feeling oddly disturbed about the whole encounter.
Stupid rabbit.
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