Saturday, June 05, 2010

Another Saturday night

It seems I've been more missing in action this week than I intended to be. Ah well, it's been a good week, though a fairly uneventful one. Hard to look back and see much accomplished except for a couple of quilts (pictures later, maybe) and a whole lot of coffee drunk.

Craft day was fun; I still didn't get the rest of the quilt kit cut out, but one way or another, it will be finished before I go back to work on Tuesday. That quilt would not be the paper pieced New York Beauty referred to in the previous post; that is as yet uncut. I'll get there.

Most of today was spent making pillowcases for ten pillows some folks are taking on a mission trip next week. Did you know that the reason Satan is often pictured wearing red satin is that satin is the very devil to work with? Truly; it slides all over like the mercury from a broken thermometer, and has the temerity to shed and fray worse than almost any other fabric. Interesting etymological note: do you see how "Satan" and "satin" are only one letter different? Do you think that's a coincidence? I think not.

Now I'm back to the stained glass quilt; it's more than half quilted, and by tomorrow night I should (fingers crossed) have the binding on. The quilt's intended recipient loaned me a stack of movies to watch while quilting, and to be honest, that has slowed down the progress a bit. Watched an older movie called "Noises Off" this afternoon. If you've ever been involved in a stage production, you'll howl through this entire movie. Excellent performances by all the cast, phenomenal staging for the physical comedy.

Off to order pizza for dinner, I think. I downloaded the new book by a favorite author the other day, and may spend part of the evening reading. State Fair by Earlene Fowler, if you're interested. The titles of her books are the names of quilt seems to have been a really quilty week, in retrospect.

Church in the morning, followed by more quilting. I still have Monday as a vacation day as well - will take that day out and about, methinks.

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