Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday miscellany 052410

Countdown to vacation: Four days

Lost finale: Absolutely stellar, up until the last scene, when they blew it. Not worth staying up well past my bedtime to watch. I want my sleep back.

24: End of an era. Vastly different political climate from when the show first aired.

Heat: We've gone from unseasonably cool to unbearably hot and humid in three days. Someone please find seasonal temperatures, and return them.

Plants: In a fit of insanity, I bought a 6" impatients and a HUGE, deep purple petunia hanging basket that were fundraisers for a missions trip. The impatients I may keep alive by keeping inside - they need shade, and there is none on my porch - but the petunias are in mortal danger. I think I may have purchased them as a birthday present for a friend (can't remember; January through May is a fog); can I keep it alive until mid-June?

Reading: Scattered, as I'm reading three (or is it four?) books simultaneously, two of which are on the iTouch. The one I'm closest to finishing is Big God by Britt Merrick, which I may have raved about before...seriously, go check it out. Another is a handbook on the public reading of Scripture, whether in a worship service, home or any other setting.

Decluttering: Last weekend's urge to deep clean the kitchen didn't last long enough to spread to other rooms, but left behind a deep conviction that it's time to let go of some things, simplify. This has been an ongoing process, it seems, not just with "stuff" but with emotional baggage as well. Bit by bit...

Cooking: Being forced to reinput my entire recipe file has its up side. I'm finding things I'd forgotten about, and the dinner menu is much improved as a result. But more than ever, I feel the necessity of putting a dishwasher on the list of requirements for a new abode. Standing over the dishwater in ninety degree heat with the humidity around 70% - with no air conditioning? Not pleasant.

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