Friday, March 19, 2010

Company Girls Coffee 031910

Pull up a chair! I'm not sure whether to offer lemonade or coffee...after a week of spring (and a high temp yesterday in the 60's!) the forecast for the weekend includes snow, though thankfully not the seven inches they initially warned about. Let's have lemonade, since today, at least, the sun is shining!

For all that it seems to have been a busy week, there's nothing exciting to report. The kindergartners' hand prints a coworker collected for their teacher's baby quilt are so very precious; we need to coordinate putting the last of the top together this weekend. That little bit of sewing was just enough to renew the quilting fire.

And on that note, a friend has invited me to a (free!) seminar tonight at a local fabric place, titled "Quilting in the 21st Century". Simply put, quilting today is not your great-grandmother's quilting. Still, I have a great fondness for the traditional patterns...this will expand my creative box, so to speak.

A few more books have been added to the bookcase-base lamps. A friend gave me George Mueller's Answers to Prayer. From what she's said, he ran a ministry to orphans in 19th century England. Rather than ask people for donations, he simply prayed, asking God alone for the help they needed. The results were miraculous. In addition, I want to pick up Britt Merrick's Big God, a discussion of the "hall of faith" (Hebrews 11) characters and how we can learn from their faith. Then there's the book I'm reading for the book pilgrimage...

... so many books, so little time. Especially when the priority is reading THE Book.

May you all have a restful and blessed weekend!

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