Friday, June 12, 2009

Weekend 061209

Weekend plans?




Well, I'm reading in the Sunday service. After bugging Stacey for the passage (Psalm 36:5 - 10) I suppose I should actually practice it. Usually, it's not much of an issue, but with this particular passage, I start hearing Mac Powell of Third Day as soon as I start reading. The phrasing is entirely different between singing and reading...

Lots of stuff to do around home - cooking (Pioneer Woman's chicken legs to freeze for lunches), quilting (darn quilts still are not layered) and cleaning (pretty much everything) needs to be done. Tomorrow I may mix up the base dough from Artisan Breads in Five Minutes a Day, with the intent of making bread Sunday.

A library trip is in order, plus a bit of paperwork. Thanks to Robbo, I now have the urge to go rent Hunt for Red October again.

That should about do it.

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