Whew - finally Friday! Grab a cup and have a seat. There's some caffeine-free Diet Coke on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for those of you who don't drink coffee (though you may want to check the expiration dates on the cans!).
Filling in for someone else as well as doing my own job has taken its toll this week. I feel behind on my own work and a bit confused as to where to start. Putting together a to-do list on Friday afternoons always makes the next week go more smoothly; I need to gather my scattered wits and prioritize.
While today is a gorgeous spring day, the weekend is going to be twenty degrees cooler and rainy. My Bible study group gave me a sweet gift - a gift certificate to the local gardening center - and I'd like to go shopping sometime this weekend to beat the Memorial weekend/early summer rush. I have no ground to call my own, but have in the past put big pots with flowers on the porch, with limited success. I need all you gardeners' help:
What would you put in a 15" or 20" diameter pot on a porch that is mostly shady, and would provide maximum color?
Note that I have a tendency to forget to water things (the porch roof prevents much of the rainfall from reaching the spot where the pots will be). It will sit in front of a small wooden high-backed bench that is painted in a faded red, white and blue.
If I remember to put in the request, I will be on vacation the week of the 18th. Shhh...I'm trying not to plan anything, although there are already
Unlike the present moment, when I need to get myself in gear - happy weekend, all!
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