Sunday, January 18, 2009

Target, take two

What a difference a day makes. The fact that I went to Target directly after church may have had something to do with the change in my attitude, still...

The only parking spaces closer to the door than the one I got (on my first trip down the aisle) sported big "handicap only" signs. My quick glance at the $1 seasonal bins located just inside the door showed me some of the cutest ribbon ever. Everything else I needed was in stock, even on sale. No one was waiting in line at the check out, and my total was under what I expected.

Another coffee mug almost came home with me. It is just too perfect - would love to take it to work, but can't really justify the extra cost (and heaven knows I have enough mugs). It's a very substantial, tall, over sized mug in a deep orange-red, emblazoned with a bright yellow daisy. In a pretty green square on each side are the words "Of course I don't look busy - I did it right the first time!"

Now it's back to French lessons. At long last I've set myself up a system to track my way through the Rosetta Stone software - smaller chunks of time, but every day. I'm cruising along pretty well, although I doubt the occasion will arise to say "L'homme a les cheveux bleus"* very often. One interesting side effect of this study is that I'm becoming a fairly proficient touch typist - on a French keyboard. The q and a trade places, the ; becomes the letter m, the number keys all take symbol or odd letter meanings, and a period is done by shifting and hitting the comma key.

Day off tomorrow for MLK Day. Tuesday, I plan to boycott all news outlets and all television. I feel as if I'm already drowning in the O-bamaness of it all, and need a break. Far better to spend the time in prayer for the new administration.

*The man with the blue hair (lit. hair blue). See what I mean?

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