Monday, October 20, 2008

Another rainy Monday

I'm almost ready for a nap. So far today, I've gone to Panera for breakfast (and to listen to Christmas music - for years now they have had yuletide music piped into the restaurant on Mondays), worked through two lessons of the Bible study I lead, had my still perfect teeth cleaned, taken down most of the curtains in the house, finished washing one load of curtains and started the second, read a few blogs and had lunch (breakfast was at six; by eleven I'm ready).

In theory, I probably should now wash the temporarily naked windows. In practice, it is so gloomy out I could miss whole swaths of the glass and not notice. From prior experience, however, I know how annoying it is to go to wipe a streak off of a window, only to find it already covered in insulating plastic.

Drat - I should do that as well while the curtains are in the wash, shouldn't I? Eh. The rods are easy enough to take down later.

I've held off vacuuming - until a few minutes ago, I don't think anyone upstairs was awake. From the sounds of it, my landlady must have gone somewhere earlier in the morning, as I just heard her come home. Their daughter's car is still parked out front, unmoved since I left just before six. There was no sound at all upstairs until Ora came home.

All this ambition comes from the gloom of the day - it seems easier to stay in and clean when the skies are grey and the air damp. Besides, if I dust the registers, I may turn the heat on. It's time to open up the space bags and haul out the throws and quilts for the living room - even the cider didn't completely warm me up last night.

I suppose - the windows are calling.

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