Wednesday, October 17, 2007

One of those days

Let's see...

Start with a subordinate who made a whopper of a mistake (that I warned her about before she went on vacation), then compounded it by not dealing with it directly. Or, for that matter, admitting it was a mistake.

Add an all-department meeting scheduled for 1:30 to 3:30 (which would have meant I could leave after the meeting, as my normal quit time is 3:30) that only lasted ONE HOUR, necessitating my return to work.

Top it off with the wonderifous departmental reward for ten years of labor - a little form you can fill out to have a bookplate with your name on it put in the book of your choice in one of the student libraries. Considering our new, multi-million dollar student library is ALL DIGITAL MEDIA, I can see that bookplate really being seen often.

But I'm having dinner with a dear friend and fellow blogger, so things are looking up. The new office furniture comes tomorrow, and I get to wear jeans (yay!).

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