Yippee, more space to save junk!

Blurry picture of the new set up. Note how much of the quilt is obscured; the new set comes about 8" further toward the door than the old. It doesn't sound like much, but the whole office is only about 10' square, so it really is noticeable. Need to move the quilt.
If you click on the picture, you can play "spot the humongous chip in the corner that the office supply place has to come and replace". Hint: Look around the blue tissue box.
The hutch is indeed missing two of the doors. In true manly fashion, the assembler put the hinges on one set of doors before lunch. After lunch he came back and put the hinges on the other set - with the grain going sideways. Oops. That, too, will be remedied.
The chair is also new, and is a dream. Everything adjusts. Hey, when you sit on your backside all day, a comfortable chair makes all the difference. My feet actually rest flat on the floor when I sit. (I've often said that I've never been much for bars because 1.) I'm too short to gracefully get up on a bar stool, and 2.) When I do, my feet dangle. Unless I wear 4" heels, which then create a serious problem for me getting off the bar stool. Not worth it.)

And last, a slightly different angle, to show off the nifty ergonomic keyboard drawer and mouse pad. I was able to set chair and drawer in such a way that I don't have to adjust the drawer at all when I pull it out; my forearms are at a right angle to my body, and I can tilt the drawer away from me (back of the drawer lower than the front) for perfect keying posture.
Gosh, I hope that doesn't mean I'll get even more work to do.
It will be about two weeks before Bubrick's comes back to fix things. There is a nifty task light under the hutch, as well as a tackboard, but it doesn't pay to put anything there, as they need to remove it in order to replace the top piece that is chipped. My actual desk area (front portion) is much, much smaller than the old, both six inches narrower and a good foot shorter, so I will have to be sure to keep things a bit neater (lots more at-hand filing space, in the drawers under the hutch, will make that easier).
It really is great to finally have a decent set-up, and I am grateful. Today, however, I finally came to the conclusion that I need to seriously look for something else, for a whole host of reasons. Enjoy it while I'm here, I guess.
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