When you are preparing financial reports that are sent to foundations that have donated substantial amounts of money to your institution, and you run across an expense account that shows a credit balance(indicating revenue, rather than expense), wouldn't you want to investigate
why that account has a credit balance, and figure out if you should be reporting that account as revenue instead of expense, rather than just dropping
a big honking negative number in the expense section of said report?
When your boss explains to you that big, honking negative expenses on reports to foundations makes us look like we don't know our
behinds from a hole in the ground debits from our credits, wouldn't you do the required research and correct the reports, rather than questioning the
University policy that puts revenue from events run by restricted accounts into a contra-expense account?
When you are asked to round the reports to the nearest dollar, because showing a $0.26 balance in the account makes us (again) look like idiots, wouldn't you agree that the rounding will make the reports look more professional, rather than whining that the reports have
"always been done" to the nearest penny?
When your boss then says she has a blinding headache and needs to go take some aspirin, wouldn't it be more prudent to offer
sympathy, rather than saying "good luck", risking making her head spin around and explode, given that you are the proximate cause of the headache?
Is it quitting time yet?
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