Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Miscellany, too

Too scattered for a real post -
  • The first ever New Day Women's Retreat was last weekend; it deserves a post of its own when I am less scattered. Let's just say lies, bear scat and Scrabble. And food. Lots of food. Lots and lots and LOTS of food.
  • For the first time in two years, my schedule is starting to fill with "church things" again. I will most likely be singing on the worship team one Sunday in October (pray for the congregation me), our every-other-Thursday evening study continues and a very cool adult Sunday school class has started, on doctrine (quit your laughing - doctrine is cool).
  • Had coffee with a friend Monday night. She needed to vent a bit, and I was happy to listen. It was a little strange, though, as several people from our past drifted in and out of the coffee shop during our talk. We were perfectly cordial; my friend actually initiated the conversation, but it was weird, nonetheless.
  • Work The new office furniture will arrive in about two weeks. No, I haven't done anything about cleaning my office. Bonfire, my office, early October....
  • Sunrise is now officially after I leave for work each morning. Not needing the sunglasses when I go to work means I am more likely not to have them for the drive (west) home from work. I've taken to putting them on my head as I go out into the dark morning, just so I know I have them. The key is to take them off the top of my head when I get to work.

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