Monday, August 06, 2007

Just call me Ms. Grumpypants

Right now I'm not sure which is making my head hurt worse, the job or the weather. The weather at least will pass; the job could go with it, for all I care at the moment.

On September 9th I will have been at my current employer ten years. For the most part, I like the work itself. The political nature of the institution, however, is getting on my nerves. Understaffing and poor division of labor have led to a "that's not my job" attitude among some of the units in our department. Because our particular office is the final gatekeeper before information is entered in the financial systems, we end up resolving issues that should have been taken care of by those other units. We are all for teamwork, but it seems to flow only one way. I've semi-seriously been looking at what is available elsewhere. Pickings are slim in the market at the moment; at any rate, I'd rather wait and find the right place rather than just a different one.

The weather - ah, the weather. We're stalled in a pattern that brought extreme humidity coupled with higher than average temperatures. It's hanging around until at least Saturday. Ugh. This is why my one and only vacation in South Carolina was in February; take me out in the summer in the South, and I'll melt just like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Apt comparison at the moment, no?

This is also the week of our wonderful (no sarcasm intended, at least not at this point) State Fair. The same State Fair that takes place in my own backyard. I really do love the fair itself; the odd traffic patterns, the confused out of town visitors and the nightly fight for a parking place I can do without. So far, the parking has not been an issue, most likely due to the weather.

On the positive side, the rep from Bubricks came in today to measure my office. At long last, Mary Jo and I are each getting all new office furniture. No more straddling the pedestal of the desk in order to work on the computer. My office is a bit smaller than hers, and due to the arrangement of door, window and heating, I'll end up with less furniture overall, but more storage than I currently have.

I think there's a piece of chocolate cake left; hopefully that, a glass of ice-cold milk and an extended quiet time will cure the grumpies. If not, I'll just send myself to bed early.

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