Wednesday, October 02, 2013

31 Days - Day 2: Prairie wedding

Skipping around a bit in the timeline...I realized I've no pictures of several of the quilts I made for myself, so on to some others.

A college friend who was both a history major and a big fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder got married a couple of years after we graduated. It was a very prairie-ish wedding - the bridal gown and bridesmaids dresses were cotton, simply styled and made by friends of the bride (I sewed the attendants dresses). Easy flowers, old fashioned vibe to the whole wedding.

So for a gift, an old fashioned looking quilt.

Fulton's wedding quilt, 1983?
We are looking here at the quilt on top of the other quilt (we'll get to that other one at another time).

Size: 45 x 60? It looks bigger than that. (hey, I remembered to take pictures, at least; cut me a break on the rest of the details),
Pattern: Stepping Stones? Not sure, and the book from which it came is long passed out of my hands.
Fabric: Cotton.
Binding: Home made double fold bias binding.
Quilting: Hand quilted in diagonal lines following the diagonal of the fabric stripes.

This may have been my first "slice and dice" quilt. I do believe that by this time, I'd discovered the joy of the rotary cutter. By this point, I was also smart enough to purchase matching cotton for the backing of the quilt - so much easier to needle through than a more densely woven sheet.

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