Sunday, May 05, 2013

At end of day

While the rest of the weekend more or less followed the pattern set by the middle-of-the-night mattress drop (think: unexpected, unwelcome developments and messed up plans), there have been some bright spots.

Because you are adding sour cream, bacon, onions and blue cheese to the baked potato innards when you make twice baked potatoes, you invariably end up with leftover filling. It's a volume thing. The starchy side dish for tomorrow's dinner - made.

I can't remember what spurred it, but I picked up Yo-Yo Ma's Bach suite - all unaccompanied cello.  Absolutely amazing, both the music itself and his skill.

On the other end of things, I spent a bit today browsing through Harry Connick Jr.'s titles. Can't make up my mind, though.

Naps. Sleeping in. Going for better than twenty minutes at a time without either blowing my nose or erupting in a hacking cough. This is progress.

Mad Men. I finally realized why I was rather lost at the beginning of this season: I never finished watching the end of season five. Since I refuse to have cable, I view through Amazon, generally buying the season when it finally becomes available. For season six, I've a "season pass" - essentially buying the season, but having each episode released the day after it airs. I need to schedule a few intensive quilting sessions so I can catch up.

Sunshine. Moderate temperatures. In spite of the lingering cold, I opened the patio doors for a few hours both yesterday and today. The hope is that the fresh air will drive out the germs that keep coming back to me. We'll see.

And that pretty much was the weekend. Exciting, wasn't it? Gah. Just wait until this cold finally goes away and I can get back to life.

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