Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Randomosity #198468

The higher you go in the parking structure linked to my doctor's office, the nicer the vehicles.

In the roughly forty-two days since this post went up, my stats counter says I've had a bazillion hits from people searching for variants of "how to draw a pig". International visitors, at that. I don't think I want to know why.

I'm considering going to bed after posting this. It's currently 7:29 p.m. It's been that kind of a week already.

If we had such a mild, snow-free winter, why are the potholes so numerous, deep and wide?

This morning, a goose was making a racket the entire time I was getting ready for work. I pulled out of the garage, and saw he was standing on the exact center of the ridge of the roof of a building quite a distance from mine (still squawking up a storm). For a split second, it looked like a funky weather vane.

Either my hairdresser missed a spot when he did the color on Saturday, or the hair in just one spot on my temple grew 3/8s of an inch overnight. But the highlights look great.

I'm thinking of getting a super soaker. If the dogs across the way continue barking at everyone and everything, and make me crazy while I'm trying to read on the patio, I'm pretty sure a good spray of water would shut them up. Sad thing is that the owners would probably approve - they can't seem to keep them quiet themselves.

You almost have to be local to "get" this, but Walker is the Republican governor, and the other two are the Democratic challengers who will duke it out in a primary before the recall election in June. The billboard reads:

Walker fixed it.
Don't Falk it up. We couldn't Barrett.


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