Saturday, April 21, 2012

Leisurely Saturday

Four and a half days of blissful rest began with a longer (and more expensive) than expected trip to get two new tires. The tires replacement went well, but one of the ball joints needed replacing. The car is ten years old this coming fall; it's time to start thinking through the whole "fix or replace" scenarios.

Still, the day was redeemed by meeting friends for coffee after dinner. Nothing like the laughter and conversation of friends to melt away the stress. And nothing like a venti vanilla latte to keep you up past your bedtime in spite of your exhaustion. Wasn't expecting that - I generally don't have an issue with caffeine.

Blogger has forced the new upgrade upon me, and so far, I'm not, not, not impressed. All my options are scattered all over.

That could be a metaphor for my life lately.

Slept late (six rather than quarter to five), got up for an hour and then went back to bed. That's what vacations are for, aren't they? Got up later and put together a to-do list that has a whole lot of cleaning, a little cooking and a list of fun things. The only reason the list is longer than a page is my need to list every tiny detail, in order to have the pleasure of crossing lots of stuff off. The object for today is to clean the upstairs well, down to vacuuming the mattress and emptying the last couple of boxes of office type stuff in the loft.

It may not sound like fun, but getting things around the house in order helps settle my mind. The housework is one thing I have complete control over. It really won't take long to do the upstairs, even with breaks to post, check e-mail and work on balancing the check book.

Spaghetti for dinner. It may be cool enough tonight for what may be the last fire of the season. Sitting in front of the fire with a cup of coffee or glass of wine and a good book is one of my favorite "fun" activities. I've been steadily reading through the Stephanie Plum novels I bought earlier this week. In fact, I've finished two of the three. They are a bit like a traditional between courses palate cleanser - something light and slightly sweet to clear out the mind and get you ready for something much more substantial.

Break is over, I suppose. It won't take much longer than half an hour to finish up the bedroom. Then on to the bathroom. Everything that is in bags and various little baskets on the linen closet shelves is going to be inventoried and stored neatly in plastic boxes. The linen closet is huge (shelves twelve inches deep, in a closet four feet wide) and it is much too easy to simply toss things on the shelves. All the bandaids, headache stuff, hair products and miscellaneous bits and pieces need to be given a "forever" home.


Unknown said...

I would say fix unless it's crazy expensive. Our Corolla is gonna be fixed as inexpensively as possible until it finally dies.

Diane said...

That's what is great about both Honda and Toyota - the cars will last forever if maintained well. I like the whole not having had a car payment for quite a while thing, too.