Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cover ups

Never, ever web surf when you are stressed and have available cash. The good news is that I actually need the two aprons I just ordered, and I can't make them for the price I paid. It feels a bit strange to be wearing Thanksgiving and Christmas aprons (in addition to an old, faded blue canvas one) in March.

The plan is to raid the button box and stick a button somewhere around the waist, off towards the left side of the aprons. It's easy enough to put a buttonhole in the corner of each of the myriad dishtowels floating around. I'm constantly washing/wiping my hands when cooking (ew, sticky hands!); the dishtowel both works better and is more economical than paper towel. At least if it is buttoned to the apron, I won't lose track of it.

If I ever get the sewing room set up, I can make some cute little apron/towel sets; for the sake of my clothes, I needed to buy these now.

And duh - one of the reasons I wanted to post was to point out a new addition to the blogroll at the right - BusslerBussler, my friend Maria from Sweden. She posts in both Swedish and English, but the real reason for her addition to the blogroll is the quilty inspiration she provides. She has a long-arm quilting business, and her customers come up with the prettiest quilts. I'd love to open a long-arm business someday, especially now that I have the room...wonder what the neighbors would think?

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