Friday, February 17, 2012

Company Girls Coffee 021712

Before I left the house this morning (and before I had any coffee), I'd restocked the downstairs bath with toilet paper, put three pounds of chicken on to cook in the crockpot and started a load of laundry. Considering I usually just get dressed and dash out the door, this is major productivity. One can hope it lasts the rest of the day!

Half day of work today, followed by a myriad of errands. The cheese and sausage shop (which is supposed to be open until six on Thursdays) was locked up tighter than a drum at 5:15 last night, pushing the potential stops on today's list from three to four. Perhaps a miracle will occur and a single grocery will have most of what I need? Not likely.

The good news is that it is a gorgeous, spring-like day. Highs in the forties the last couple of days, and predicted to stretch until early next week. Not typical February weather around here. It has been a blessing not to experience the grey, snowy, coldness that is our normal winter - no SAD here this year. I'm even beginning to think about what to put in the huge planters out on the patio - can anyone recommend pretty flowers that a) can take a lot of southern sun, and b) can tolerate a lot of neglect?

That's about it from here. Visit some lovely ladies via the rest of the Company Girls over at Rachel's!

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