Friday, October 07, 2011

Company Girls Coffee 100711

Good all. Excuse the yawn. I did some unpacking last night that involved, among other things, running up and down from the second floor to the basement multiple times and shifting both the mattress and box spring off and back on to the bed frame.

Do any of you have something that is of sentimental value, but it causes you grief on a fairly regular basis? Call me odd, but for me that thing is the slats supporting the box spring etc. on my bed.

You see, thanks to the minuscule size of the bedroom at my old flat, I've continued to use the twin bed set from my childhood for the last twenty years. It's very nice, old growth maple furniture, made to last a lifetime. When my parents first bought it back when I was two and they were expecting my sister, my grandfather, a frugal old Sicilian, cut slats from left over, discarded pieces of board and trim he had squirreled away.

Only he cut them just that much too short.

About once a week or so I need to reach under, lift up the box spring/mattress and shove one (or two) back into place, as I am a fairly restless sleeper and things...shift.

A number of years ago I tried to buy a board and have slats cut. Unfortunately, the hardware stores I called seem to think that their customers are too stupid to measure correctly, and wouldn't cut the board to length. I'm a bit tired - literally - of dealing with the issue, and the previous owners of the condo left behind a hand saw...

This week's mission, therefore, is to go ahead and get what I need to fix the problem once and for all.

Or at least until I finally buy a grown up bedroom set sometime next spring.

For more Company Girl Coffee, visit Rachel Anne.

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