Thursday, June 23, 2011


I'm off in a bit to my annual eye exam. At some point, if I keep putting the appointment off a month later than the previous year, it will cycle to some month that doesn't have constant bright sunlight. Dilated eyes plus a westerly drive home from the doctor's office in the later afternoon is a formula for pain.

As much as I dislike trying on frames while still under the influence, so to speak, I may need to do so today. Tomorrow night is canasta, and I don't really want to try to squeeze another stop in between work and play. If I don't do it now, though, I may not do it at all.

Note that I'm not abandoning contacts for normal wear, but getting new glasses (okay, okay: bifocals) for wear around the house and when I feel funky. The current frames are a rounded corner rectangular, flat black serious-librarian or fringe beat poet style. I'm aiming for something more naughty librarian - same basic shape, but offbeat color, or traditional tortoiseshell.

Though given my extreme nearsightedness and the extra blur from dilation, what I think is tortoiseshell may turn out to be zebra stripes...stay tuned.

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