Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Short term memory loss

We all like to think we make an impression on others, that the memory of our thoughts and ideas persist after we walk away.  That can be a good thing, unless it leads to people remembering you only for that one thing, and nothing else.

It happened to me twice yesterday at work.  The first instance was an e-mail response to my question to a higher-up, asking for time to gather his signature on a document.  He asked if we could do it at the monthly financial statement closing meeting...a meeting I've not attended (nor have I been involved in any facet of statement preparation) for almost a year.

The second involved his assistant, who helpfully sends out a nagging reminder e-mail the day before all information is due for the financial packet, telling everyone to get their information in ("or else" is the implied statement, and since she climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, you don't want to mess with her, lest she give you a good, swift kick with mountaineers' legs).  As mentioned, I've not been involved with the process for almost a year.

We are all busy; the notice of change is sometimes lost in the flurry, or read and forgotten.  But both of these people (especially the first, since he had to approve my promotion) are in my own department...

Maybe I just make a lasting impression?

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