Monday, May 10, 2010

Out, out, darn spotty posting!

Why, hello, all two of you still currently checking in. This is Diane, your blog mistress (or at least I think this is my blog; they did let me sign in, after all). It's been quite a while since I've posted regularly (defined as more than twice a week). It's not that I haven't wanted to post, or haven't had things to write about; I've simply been too mind-weary to commit anything to pixels.

Things at work have been rather interesting, what with the promotion and current project propelling me into the realm of daily insanity. Funny how you don't really realize what an impact stress has on you until the end of it is in sight. I'm almost giddy with anticipation of the end of this project, which should be this week (God and the IRS willing)(God told me He is willing; I'm not so sure about the IRS).

As a result, the cork will soon pop off the bottle of my pent-up blog posts, releasing a bubbly stream of...well, champagne writing or drivel, depending on your viewpoint.

You may want to duck.

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