Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday thoughts

I have (almost) nuthin', so here is a sample of what little is floating in my brain today:

Apparently, yesterday was National Cheese Lovers Day. Never one to miss an opportunity to market, the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board has launched a blog, "30 Days, 30 Ways with Macaroni and Cheese". Wisely, rather than writing the recipes themselves, they've called on thirty food bloggers for contributions. This is only Day 2, but it looks promising.

Tonight is the second meeting of our Truth Project class, a video/discussion class put out by Focus on the Family. The short explanation is that the class discusses Christian worldview, contrasting a Biblical view with those espoused by "experts" in various areas of studies. The discussion session after the first video was great; looking forward to tonight.

Can someone explain to me why it is that when I go to bed a whopping twenty minutes earlier, my normal 3 a.m. wake up is moved back two hours, to 1 a.m.? Not that I actually get up at either three or one; this seems to be my way of checking that I'm still, in fact, alive. Wake up, look at the clock, roll over and go back to sleep.

A friend and I saw the Sherlock Holmes movie last weekend, which was simply delightful, even though I thought some of the music was a tad intrusive (Guy Ritchie having to prove something to Madonna, maybe?). They did a wonderful job of recreating late nineteenth century London, including an under-construction Tower Bridge. The actors do a fine job, as did the editors and director in figuring out a way to show the audience Holmes' thinking process.

Why, no, my Christmas decorations are not all down and put away, thank you for asking.

I'm seriously thinking about making a heart shaped red velvet cake to bring to work for Valentine's Day. Just because I can. Doesn't everyone have a heart-shaped cake pan? (Note: in a pinch, if you've loaned your 8 x 8 pan to a friend who has not returned it by the time you have a craving for Quick Chocolate Cake, the heart-shaped pan has approximately the same volume and works nicely as a substitute. Not that I've ever done that. Uh-uh.)

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