Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday Three! Thankful edition

Papa Possum has come out of defuncted-ness at the special birthday request of Jim (Happy Birthday, Jim!) to post a special, Non-Thursday, Non-Three. Except it is. Thursday. And three questions.

Anyway, for those of you unfamiliar with the Possum (not this one; this one), he was is the witty, genial host of a weekly three-question meme that ended up building a witty, genial little community. It was out of wanting a place of my own to blather post my responses to the T3 that I began this little spot.

It is entirely untrue that my answers regularly overran his comment section.

Go read his post. Answer the questions, in his comments or on your blog (leave a comment at Terry's place so we can find you). Maybe, if there are enough of us, we can persuade him to make his non-retirement permanent.

So - my answers:

1. What one person are you most thankful for this year? It's more people than person. It's been a year of settling in and feeling like I finally belong, mostly due to a slew of new friends. They've challenged me, made me laugh, even laughed at my jokes.

2. What one thing are you most thankful for this year? Terry mentioned jobs - in spite of how I whine about it, I am very grateful to work for an institution that does make an effort to support and value its people. The University is making every effort to retain people and positions, as well as keeping benefit costs and coverage as close to previous levels as possible.

3. What one event are you most thankful for this year? In an odd way, I'm thankful for the results of the last presidential election; if nothing else, it kicked us out of our complacency and spurred people to action. We're starting to think about what is important to us, personally and for our country on a national and international basis.

And the bonus question - How's it going? Well. Lots to do at work, fun projects at home, exciting events coming up. Despite the fact I do complain, I've nothing to really complain about.

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