Mmmm. What better way to enjoy the (technically, as Monday is a holiday) last day of vacation than with a leisurely coffee with friends?
Speaking of friends, Rachel Anne is looking for "friendship" pictures to possibly grace the pages of a lovely gift book - click the link to see what it's all about and to submit your photos!
This week has been delightful, full of fun events and lovely people, but still providing enough unscheduled time to nap, dream, read, sew and putter. Scroll down to see some pictures from the tea I hosted as an end-of-the-year party for our Bible study; my cheeks still hurt a bit from smiling and laughing so much! Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Psalm 126:a
Sewing this afternoon, perhaps a quick hair trim as well. Then off to play cards - another opportunity for cheek- exercising laughter. Although I do believe I am invited more for my deft conversational skills than my card playing prowess; I win, on average, every tenth time we get together.
The Memorial Day parade for our city goes directly past my house. It never fails to bring tears to my eyes - take a bit of time this weekend to remember those who have given their lives for our freedoms, and for the cause of justice world round.
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