Pull up a chair, grab a mug and pour yourself a cup. A friend from our Advancement department is coming over this morning to pick something up, and she mentioned she was going to bring some treats over, so we should have something sweet in a a little while.
This week is finally ending. With too much to do at work, too much prep to do for both Bible studies, and side effects from an antibiotic that have me feeling less than optimal, it's felt as if the end would never come. One project at work is done; another will be mostly finished before I leave today. Only one lesson remains for the heavy preparation Bible study; the last dose of the antibiotic was swallowed last night. Now if I can just get a night's sleep without the strange dreams...
After work today I may drive out to my favorite quilt shop. A friend is going through chemo, and has had severe chills related to the treatments and the decimation of his white blood cells. I'm toying with the idea of making him a quilt - warm, wool batting and a simple pattern. While I have the pattern (see BH&G American Patchwork & Quilting June '09 issue, the "My Guy" quilt), my stash doesn't have the right fabric.
Assuming I go ahead and make it, I'd like to use Bible references of comforting verses as the quilting pattern itself. Do you have a favorite verse or verses you turn to when you need to be reminded that God is in control, that He loves you and will see you through? If so, leave it in the comments and I may use it on the quilt.
Yesterday's high was forty-five; today's is forecast to be eighty-three. Welcome to spring in Milwaukee. The birds have returned to the neighbor's tree, starting their morning conversations just before dawn. A cheeky squirrel blocked my path down the steps to the sidewalk this morning, almost as if he wanted me to stay home from work and enjoy the beautiful day.
Somehow, I don't think calling in to explain that a squirrel told me to stay home would go over very well.
4-26 update: The trip to the quilt shop yielded sweet fellowship with a kindred spirit, as well as all the supplies for the quilt (now I remember why I came up with the "no new fabric" rule!). The fabric is prewashing as I type, and as I try to finish up the other blocks that are currently scattered all over the office. There are twelve left, I think; they will go up on the design wall (think oversized flannel board) to stew while I make this quilt.
Please, if you remember any more comforting verses, drop me a comment or e-mail me directly (scroll to the "about me" link in the sidebar, click through and you'll see the addy) - the references you've already provided are wonderful!
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